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Archaeological Expedition Unearths Ancient Egyptian Mastaba Revealing Daily Life Scenes

by | Mar 23, 2024

An archaeological expedition, jointly conducted by German and Egyptian teams, has uncovered a mastaba adorned with intricate paintings during excavations in the Dahshur region. The mastaba, dating back to the era of the Old Kingdom, was constructed around 2300 BC to serve as the final resting place for Seneb-Nebef, an individual holding administrative roles in the palace, and his wife Idut, who served as a priestess of the goddess Hathor, according to reports from Ahram Online.

Dahshur, situated approximately 30-40 kilometers south of Cairo, is home to one of the largest funerary complexes in Egypt, housing notable structures like the Red Pyramid and the Bent Pyramid, attributed to Pharaoh Sneferu from the mid-3rd millennium BC.

Stephan Seidlmayer, leading the excavation team, noted that the mastaba forms part of a vast cemetery linked to the Red Pyramid complex, distinguishing it as Egypt’s third-largest pyramid by dimensions and the largest within the Dahshur site.

The mastaba’s walls are adorned with delicate paintings depicting scenes of daily life, featuring activities such as donkeys threshing grains, boats traversing the Nile, and bustling market scenes, alongside depictions of attendants making ceremonial offerings.

Hisham El-Leithy, representing the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, hailed the discovery as a significant source of insight into the socio-political dynamics of ancient Egyptian society.




















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