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Dutch Voters Exhibit Greater Trust in EU Than National Parliament, Survey Reveals.

by | May 15, 2024

In a recent survey conducted by the statistics agency CBS, Dutch citizens have demonstrated a notable preference for the European Union over their own national parliament, although overall confidence in both institutions appears to be on the decline.

According to the annual poll, which was conducted last year, approximately 47.1% of individuals aged 15 and above expressed trust in the European Union, while only 29% placed faith in the Lower House of the Dutch parliament. These figures mark a slight decrease from 2022, when 48.7% trusted the EU and 30.4% trusted the national parliament.

This decline in confidence signifies a significant shift, as it is the first time since the survey’s inception in 2012 that fewer than three in 10 people have expressed trust in the Dutch parliament. Furthermore, trust in politicians remains alarmingly low, holding steady at 23.8%, consistent with levels observed in the previous year.

The survey also evaluated trust in various other institutions, with judges emerging as the most trusted, endorsed by an impressive 77.5% of respondents. Following closely behind were the police, healthcare sector, and the army.

Conversely, politicians and parliament received the lowest trust ratings, with churches, large companies, and the press marginally ahead of them in public perception.

Notably, the European Union has consistently garnered higher levels of trust compared to the Dutch parliament in recent years, except for 2016, coinciding with the Brexit referendum, and 2020, amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic. Trust in the EU peaked in the subsequent year, with 53.4% of respondents expressing confidence.

Support for the national parliament was particularly strong among residents of Amsterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht, while confidence in the European Union was also notably high in Groningen, Arnhem, and Nijmegen.

The survey findings underscore evolving attitudes towards governance and institutions within the Netherlands, signaling a growing preference for supranational entities like the EU over traditional national structures.
















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