Small Island Developing States (SIDS) represent a unique group of nations characterized by their geographic isolation, small size, and economic vulnerability. While Aruba is not officially classified as a SIDS member due to its status as a constituent country of the...
Reforms for a Sustainable Budgeting System in Aruba
In the recent report on the Land Package of Aruba, titled "Implementation Agenda and Report for the Land Package of Aruba (September 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025)," financial management reforms in Aruba mark a new phase in the development of transparent, efficient, and...
Good Governance Code in Aruba: End to Political Influence?
With the implementation of the Good Governance Code in Aruba, the island is on the verge of an important change in how governance is carried out. These new guidelines are designed to minimize political influence in crucial positions such as boards of directors (RvB)...
Relationship: Unconditional Love: Myth or Reality?
Unconditional love is often described as the purest and most selfless form of love, celebrated in stories, spiritual teachings, and human ideals. It is said to transcend flaws, mistakes, and circumstances—a love that persists no matter what. While the concept is...
A Starting Point for Spirituality: Reflection, Growth, and Self-Development The concept of a baseline measurement for spirituality is as intriguing as it is challenging. Spirituality is a deeply personal experience that revolves around meaning, inner growth, and...