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Freedom Is To Be Present in the Moment

by | Aug 4, 2024

The Duality of Human Experience People experience life in two different ways: through our thoughts and through our direct experience of the present moment. True freedom arises when we live with reduced thinking, allowing our experience of the present moment to dominate. The balance between thought and presence is essential for inner peace.

The Evolution of Abstract Thought Between 70,000 and 95,000 years ago, humans developed the capacity to think in an abstract way. Previously, life was only experienced through immediate interaction, similar to that of other animals. While abstract thought has significantly advanced human civilization, it has also introduced significant stress. More than 60% of visits to doctors are attributed to stress, much of which derives from incessant thinking about the past and future.

The Search for Mental Silence A survey from ‘Your Beliefs Quiz’ revealed that 66% of more than 10,000 respondents think constantly, while 34% experience moments of blank thought and mental tranquility. Those who rarely find mental silence describe their minds as constantly filled with worries. In contrast, those who experience mental tranquility associate it with peace, relaxation, and activities like gardening or meditation.

Practical Exercise for Presence To help shift from living “in your head” to living in the present moment, try the following exercise: Stop and observe: Look around and become aware of the light and environment around you without thinking about them. Shift your attention: Experience how you can divert your attention from your thoughts to the present moment, reducing the dominance of your thoughts. Regular practice of this exercise, combined with meditation, can foster a greater presence in the moment. Meditation helps you familiarize yourself with silence and stillness, which can then be recognized and expanded in daily life. Additionally, spending time alone in nature can deepen the connection with the present.

Personal Path to the Present Moment Different activities help different people connect with the present moment. For some, it is meditation and solitude in nature; for others, it is engaging in activities like dancing, yoga, singing, or sports. Identify what works for you and immerse yourself in it to balance your thoughts and direct experiences.

Trust in Your Experience True freedom, marked by the absence of thought, cannot be understood through words or teachings but only through personal experience. Trust in your own experiences of mental stillness, even if they do not align with traditional teachings of freedom.

Facing the Fear of Death A significant problem arising from abstract thought is the fear of death. Many religions and spiritual practices, including meditation, help control this fear by promoting awareness of the present moment. Recent research at Johns Hopkins University also suggests that certain substances can reduce the fear of death in terminally ill patients, although they are not a substitute for the lasting stability that meditation provides.

Freedom lies in the balance between thought and presence. Adopt practices that promote awareness of the present moment and trust in your personal experiences to guide you. As you cultivate silence and stillness in your life, you may discover that the present moment feels eternal and that its worries fade away, allowing you to fully experience the world around you.
















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