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Sat, Sep 07 | 8:55 pm

Mystery Celestial Object Captivates ABC Islands: Is it an Asteroid or a Falling Satellite?

by | Jul 13, 2024

An unexpected celestial spectacle mesmerized residents of Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire (ABC islands) last night around 8 PM, when a bright object streaked across the sky. The object, believed to be either an asteroid fragment or a falling satellite, illuminated the night, sparking awe and speculation among thousands of onlookers.

NASA reports indicate that asteroid 2024 NB2, a 100-foot space rock traveling at an astounding speed of 29,777 miles per hour, was expected to pass within 2,390,000 miles of Earth. This proximity qualifies it as a Near-Earth Object (NEO), warranting closer monitoring. The asteroid was predicted to pass safely by on July 13, making it a likely candidate for the dazzling display witnessed over the Caribbean.

Orbit Viewer of 2024-NB2 by Solar System Dynamics | NASA

The sighting captivated many on the ABC islands, who managed to capture videos and photographs of the bright object as it traversed the sky. Some residents reported hearing a loud bang seconds after the sighting, but no meteor crash sites have been found.

Adding to the mystery, the event coincides with the recent failure of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The rocket, which was carrying 20 Starlink satellites, malfunctioned shortly after liftoff from California due to a liquid oxygen leak. The failed mission left the satellites in an unsustainable orbit, dooming them to reenter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. SpaceX confirmed that the satellites would eventually fall, but the exact timing and locations of their reentry remain uncertain.

Despite the coincidence, the bright object seen over the ABC islands is more likely to be a fragment of asteroid 2024 NB2. The unexpected visibility of this celestial event provided a rare and valuable opportunity for both amateur and professional astronomers to observe and study the phenomenon.

This image from video provided by SpaceX shows the upper stage engine of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which blasted off from California on Thursday.

SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk, continues to address the recent launch failure while maintaining confidence in the Falcon 9’s track record and its emergency escape system. Upcoming missions, including a private spaceflight led by billionaire Jared Isaacman and an astronaut flight to the International Space Station for NASA, remain on schedule.

Back in the Caribbean, the celestial sighting has sparked widespread fascination and curiosity. Local schools and astronomy clubs are organizing discussions and observation sessions to capitalize on the educational value of this event.

Whether a fragment of asteroid 2024 NB2 or a falling satellite, the sighting has left the people of Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire in awe, highlighting the dynamic and unpredictable nature of our cosmos.




















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