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Summary of Day 18 of the Trump Hush Money Trial

by | May 16, 2024

Dramatic Cross-Examination of Michael Cohen

In a heated cross-examination, Donald Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche raised his voice and gestured animatedly at Michael Cohen, accusing him of fabricating a phone conversation with Trump just before Cohen sent $130,000 to Stormy Daniels’ attorney in October 2016. Blanche confronted Cohen with unrelated text messages exchanged with Keith Schiller, whom Cohen claimed connected him to Trump.

Blanche read a text Cohen sent to Schiller minutes before the call, discussing prank calls, not Trump or Daniels. Blanche asserted that Cohen lied about speaking to Trump, but Cohen calmly insisted his recollection of the conversation was accurate, though it included more than just the prank call. Blanche’s aggressive questioning aimed to cast doubt on Cohen’s memory of significant interactions with Trump.

Cohen’s Inconsistent Statements

Blanche spent hours highlighting inconsistencies in Cohen’s past statements to undermine his credibility. These included Cohen’s 2018 guilty plea on tax charges, his desire to work in the White House, and his pursuit of a pardon from Trump. Blanche suggested Cohen was unreliable and sought a reduced sentence through his guilty plea, despite Cohen’s claim of taking accountability for his actions.

Trump’s Reaction to Cohen’s Testimony

Trump appeared disengaged during much of the trial but perked up during the cross-examination of Cohen, especially when Cohen’s interactions with New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman were discussed. Trump and his attorney smirked when Cohen admitted to recording about 40 conversations with reporters.

Cohen’s Composed Demeanor

Throughout the cross-examination, Cohen remained calm, speaking slowly and carefully choosing his words. He often asked Blanche to repeat questions, especially after objections from prosecutors were overruled.

Possible Trial Conclusion

Judge Merchan suggested summations could begin as early as Tuesday, with the jury potentially receiving the case next week. Prosecutors indicated they had no further witnesses after Cohen, while the defense planned to call a campaign finance expert. The defense might also call additional witnesses, including former Cohen attorney Bob Costello, who has attacked Cohen’s credibility.

With only three court days next week leading up to Memorial Day, the judge noted the need to avoid a significant lapse between summations and jury deliberations, indicating a possible early start or extended hours.




















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