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Aruba Power Plant Fire Averted, But Recovery Efforts Underway for Key Engine

by | Apr 17, 2024

Aruba, April 17, 2024 – A fire erupted Tuesday at the WEB power plant, the sole electricity producer for Aruba. While a major disaster was prevented thanks to the swift action of WEB personnel and the Aruba Fire Department, the incident highlights the delicate state of the island’s power grid.

The fire originated in engine RECIP #7, one of several internal combustion engines utilized by WEB. These engines, known as Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE), generate electricity by burning fuel, typically heavy fuel oil. While the exact cause of the fire is still under investigation, it is believed to be related to a malfunctioning high-pressure fuel pump in engine RECIP #7, which resulted in a fuel leak.

WEB’s security and maintenance teams, trained for such emergencies, quickly detected the fire and raised the alarm. This triggered a well-rehearsed response from WEB’s Emergency Team (WET) who were first on the scene. The Aruba Fire Department was also immediately called and arrived promptly to extinguish the flames.

While the fire itself was contained quickly, the source of the problem presents a significant challenge. The malfunctioning component, a recently replaced high-pressure fuel pump, is crucial for engine operation. A team from the pump’s manufacturer, Wärtsilä, has been called in to assess the damage and develop a recovery plan. Unfortunately, this process is expected to take approximately six months, taking engine RECIP #7 out of service for the foreseeable future.

This incident comes at a critical time for Aruba’s power grid. The WEB plant utilizes a combination of RICE engines and renewable energy sources, such as wind power purchased from independent producers. However, Aruba has experienced a significant increase in electricity demand over the past year, driven by factors like tourism and population growth. With the hot season and peak usage period approaching, the situation could become strained. WEB Aruba assures the community that their team is working diligently to optimize power generation from their remaining operational engines and explore options to mitigate potential shortfalls.

WEB Management extends their deepest gratitude to all employees who played a vital role in handling the fire swiftly and effectively. Their quick response and training undoubtedly prevented a much more serious situation. Additionally, a word of thanks goes out to the Aruba Fire Department for their prompt response and assistance.

Tags:aruba | fire | web
















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