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Sat, Sep 07 | 10:32 pm

World’s Oceans Hit Record High Temperatures, Raising Fears of Widespread Coral Bleaching in the Caribbean, including Aruba

by | Mar 14, 2024

According to data from the European Copernicus Climate Change Service, the world’s oceans have reached their hottest temperatures ever recorded. This alarming trend has scientists concerned about a potential global coral bleaching event, which could have devastating consequences for marine ecosystems in the Caribbean, including Aruba.

Record-breaking sea surface temperatures were measured in February 2024, surpassing the previous record set in August 2023. This warming trend poses a significant threat to coral reefs, which have a delicate symbiotic relationship with algae living within their tissues. When water temperatures rise above a certain threshold, corals expel these algae, causing them to turn white—a phenomenon known as coral bleaching. Bleached corals are more susceptible to disease, starvation, and death.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has warned that the current high ocean temperatures create a significant risk of a fourth global coral bleaching event. This event could be similar to the one in 2016, which caused widespread damage to coral reefs worldwide.

Due to its shallow, warm waters, the Caribbean Sea is particularly vulnerable to coral bleaching. Aruba, known for its pristine beaches and vibrant coral reefs, is no exception. A severe bleaching event could have a cascading effect on the island’s ecosystem, impacting fish populations, tourism, and coastal protection.

Scientists are urging immediate action to address climate change, the primary driver of rising ocean temperatures. Urgent action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the worst effects of climate change on our oceans and marine life.

It is important to note that local initiatives in Aruba, such as the establishment of marine protected areas and the implementation of stricter regulations on coastal development, can greatly enhance the resilience of coral reefs and minimize the impact of future bleaching events. However, the emergence of additional hotels and the threat of over-tourism, compounded by the greed of the local government, may exacerbate the situation and cause permanent damage to Aruba’s marine ecosystem.




















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